What Should Take into Consideration When Choosing Motors for Robotics
Robots perform specific, well-defined tasks like assembly-line work, surgical assistance, warehouse delivery/retrieval, and even tasks such as clearing mines. Today’s robots can handle both highly repetitive tasks as well as complex functions requiring flexibility in orientation and action (Figure 1). As technology improves, speed and flexibility improves, cost goes down, and adoption will increase. We are nearing an inflection point in industry whereby the cost effectiveness of using robots is better than labor. Additionally, advances in machine vision, computing power, and networking are enabling the use of robots for a wider range of applications. Figure 1: Robotics are now routinely used in applications ranging from small pick-and-place machines to large auto assembly lines where they lift, place, install, and even weld parts and subassemblies. (Source: IStockPhoto.com ) Advances in technology make modern high-performance machines possible due to: Sophis...